HI-TECH Car Products designed by Storms Lab

About us

The  STORM ’s  company:

STORM’s was build up in earlier 1990-ies as a network of same thinking automotive engineers and advanced materials physicians, (scientists in the fields of nuclear physic, alternative energy and aerospace).

From start on the team has get attention from German automotive industry for their developments in the area of advanced materials, (like wear free aluminum alloys), which was used in replacement of the hard-coatings for engines ‘liners, similar to Nikasil, Lokasil or Alusil.

Later by STORM’s was develop a ionization process for a numbers of fluid and solid materials, that was very useful for improving of engine performance and reduce wasting engine’s energy. (Fuel saving effects). This was with success used by leading Germans sport and race car manufactures for improving their racing results, and was done it with highly effects and top results! Especially in F1 were phenomenal effects, which no one of the German global player can refute or disclaim!

So for example one of the German leading F1 entertainer has win few race seasons, but in press never confirm that.

Anyway, it’ has not stops the STORM’s network and they have sold a major technology transfer to one of them, –

why they don’t use it for a wide market yet!


It’s very simple:

The mostly STORM’s processes and products makes the engines and gears wearless for over 1 Mill. Miles and the sales of the cars drops. What you think, what one sales man will do if he knows about…? Do you think, he will ask you come and use it and recommend, – something like that:

„…please, dear new customer, use STORM’s and not need buy the new car from us…“

anyway: after STORM’s developed the additional process for activating the fuels, that besides the strong fuel saving effect offer the users also the engine’s rehabilitation and wear protection it’s become the main player of the Network like Ingo Storm and Alex Ivecco totally uncomfortable and highly risky to stay there, – they have move their lab in other countries – just like the great German inventor and visionary entrepreneur – the Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel.

Conspiracy, Sir? – YES! Absolut! There are no doubts about the German supremacy in the automotive industry. There is only question, how stupid they try to keep You, to believe them, what they tells you every year about the 3 liter engines and other genially developments.

Anyway, the STORM’s going away from Germany and develops their lab to a global player in point of energy and fuel saves. Especially for big engines, like: V6, V8 and even high volume engines at vessels and generators enjoy now the research results from the STORM’s labs worldwide. In Germany left just a contact address by a lowers to keep the ex-time customers, who would like to find the STORM and his team and contact them.

Now STORM’s creating the production’s units for the engine’s performance products anywhere in the World, where the customer suffer from high fuel costs and expensive engines spare parts. Besides fuel saving products, STORM’s supply and organize the special services for engines, gears and other unique applications, that not only saving fuels, but also reduce food print and „dark“ exhausts to the environment.

Besides that, STORM’s develop and install the fuel activation, ionization and fast-and-cheap alternative fuel productions, that allow produce fuel for just few cents per gallon. STORM’s develop and testing the advanced high-tech processes like „Cold Fusion“ for energy generating and emission reduction.

Energy from Nuclear radioactive wastes are a big topic for STORM’s labs. So STORM’s have create an unique process to regenerate the radioactive wastes to energy, without nuclear reaction, and dirty rests, – it just allow to produce power from the waste direct instead to search for a solution, how and where to burrow the nuclear wastes. Remember, the Mother Earth love You, and it offer us/You a number of unique solution, simple and easy to stay on her without producing the dangerously dirt/wastes.


The key player by STORM's


The Thinker

The Thinker

is a professional researcher with nuclear physic background. - the developer of the engines without wear process, that allow the engines any kinds to drive over 1 Million miles. This process was applied to the F1 engines of a global German racer and the effects was phenomenal, as well the same process with used for years for sport engines of another German sport car producer and the engines perform for extremely long term, with stable performance, just like in the first day after production. - This product at the site call – PowerCoding, - The PowerCoding is a process and will be applied to the engines in a special way, - by purchasing this product, the customer get the needed materials and instruction, how to use it, and how to apply the process. Also STORM's labs. transfers the complete technique to the local affiliate’s services and franchises, who would like to use the technology for the starts of their own new ventures or service shops.

Alex Ivesco

Silent Italian

Silent Italian

is the doctor in chemie and over 25 years in fuel R&D, worked by leading oil companies, and has join the STORM's network after his bosses have refuse one of his invention in fuel processing, - the ionizing the hydro-carbons chains, that technology has improved the fuel combustion by increasing the efficiency up to 2 to 3 times higher, that has create the fuel saving effect up to 29% and in some cases even higher. By STORM's Dr. Ivecco has develop a special highly ionized material that may be added as a small add of few drops to a full car fuel tank, and that ionize the rest of the fuel (gas or diesel) in few minutes. The ionized fuel burn completely and produce 40-50% more combustion energy. It save fuel and clean the engine combustion chamber complete, just in few times of use the product, - here on the site this product calls PowerCode.

Ben Leman

To Prophet

To Prophet

was an interior designer, before join the STORM's – He comes with a genially and visionally idea to use the ionization's effects on/in the interior materials – firstly by office design, but then it comes to something more and really supremely crazy! It was a „revelation“ – to see, how it nice and effective works on a car outside surfaces, like paint, car's lacquer and on the windscreen glass! The vision, that ionize materials change not only the surface but also the materials itself has justified and paid back with a lot of nice and useful effects that save the energy by high speed, especially by aerodynamically air resistance. Beside that it's a very cool and nice car body shape look, - the product here calls: CoolWater. We by STORM's highly appreciate his intellectual contribution and like to works with Ben, as well proud on , what he creating for us and the Mother Earth.

Ricky Kimura

The Samurai

The Samurai

come to STORM's network with an idea to ionize the batteries' components, like electrodes and/or electrolytes, - as an effect – comes to the MagicWater development, the MagicWater is a small quantity fluid, that by adding to the battery's electrolyte (not need change or remove anything from the battery) change the electrolyte by providing additional particles that transfer the charge in the battery, and make the battery more „flexible“ it changing faster, and produce more power for wholes life spend of the battery, - it's an one time apply product! Ricky was a development electronic engineer by an electronic company, and has join STORM's at 1997, works with us until today as the leader of electronic applications development.

Dr. Ulrich Hartmann

The Professor

The Professor

join the network in 1995 after met Ingo Storm by presentation of the hyper-ionization effects and physic, and was foul in love with the technique. Dr. Hartmann is an academician, - the high school full time professor, in the field of thermo-dynamic. After get access to the hyper-ionization technique and equipment has create a fluid that may be added to the coolant and which accelerate the worm transfer – actually in every worm exchanger, but especially in the car radiator. The product at this site calls – HyperCool, and it's help to keep the car engines in summer cool and in winter warm. Besides the science and physic, the professor manifest himself as a genial capital and money organizer, and is now the perfect partner to discuss the topic of investments opportunities in to the STORM's activities and companies. If you think to start a business with STORM's technique or support, You may contact „the Professor“ for further discussion, feel free to write/contact him.

More Staff

There are over 200 Profesionals from over the word

Other Staff

who are now still joint the STORM's network, and creating fuel saving's and other solutions, that helps to safe the Mother Earth. We always welcome new players and free thinkers, who interested to contribute in this aim. To join us, is very simple, just drop us a line about Yourself, and tell us, what are think to move with us

Whom STORM’s especially welcome to unite our interests and targets: are the engineers from related industries, the top management from energy, oil&gas, automotive, transportation and related companies.

Whom STORM’s especially welcome to unite our interests and targets: are the engineers from related industries, the top management from energy, oil&gas, automotive, transportation and related companies.

Celebrities from music, movie and entertainment, who is concern about the Global Warming and other environmental issue, and sure the politicians in every hierarchy of power. That are in charge for global change and we are especially motivated to talk to/with them about.

For entrepreneurs: – if you are considering to open a service or franchise related to fuel saving or engines service ventures, or may be even to starts produce the fuel or energy, – we are the right place to talk about. Besides the fuel/energy saving solutions, we distribute the principally new concepts and technique for energy and power generation. Alternative fuels (and here we don’t means that fake about bio-diesel), but real next generation fuels, that still developed and just waiting for their time to be offered to the general public. We are active globally and in every market of the World.

Remember: if not You, – then who else…


Malaysian Production & Distribution


383-D, Grd. Floor, Tmn. Peringgit Jaya
75400 Melaka, Malaysia

Skype:  simple_jp   

Email : ig@storm-mail.eu

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